Cam French

Ode to Peter Frampton

“I want you to show me the way. Every day.

I want you to show me the way.

I want you – every day.”

On-line bridge is like rubber bridge (to me) insofar as you want to keep it simple.

I thought my partner (Otherguy) on this hand was sensational.


You hold:





Your turn. Imps. Strong game. You are non-vul, and the opps are vul. Do you open?

Well your high cards suffice, but your long suit is threadbare, and you will probably have to rebid it over a major suit response. My partner, looking ahead thought this was a dubious opener but a great passed hand so he passed.

The next player passed and your partner bids 1spade.

Pass back to you.


You    LHO    Pard     RHO

P           P        1S         P


Now I have a Canadian convention on my card (Drury) but we had not agreed to play it. So keeping liife simple he bid an unglamorous 1NT. The next player passed and he heard a 3S rebid by me. Now what?

You    LHO    Pard     RHO

P           P        1S         P

1NT       P       3S         P


This is where expert bridge operates on a different level. Inferences can be drawn that are not apparent to rote players. He bid 4D, which was intended (and received as) a cue-bid in support of spades. Your LHO doubles, partner passes, and you get to call again.

You    LHO    Pard     RHO

P           P        1S         P

1NT      P        3S        P

4D       Dble     P          P


Continuing on his mission he bid 4H. This verified that 4D was a cue bid and that spades was the agreed suit. Needing no further encouragement I jumped to 6S and that contract was laydown. Here are our combined hands.

Q10               AKJ9643

A                    K63

AJ82               4

J109865          AQ

The auction in full:

You    LHO    Pard     RHO

P           P        1S         P

1NT      P         3S        P

4D       Dble     P          P

4H        P         6S       All pass

Note, no Drury. Note, no redouble of 4D (which might conceivably have led to disaster), no crappy opening bid and a passed hand makes 2 cue-bids by only inferentially agreeing trumps. I liked all of his bids, especially 4D. He liked my pass of 4D, allowing him the space to bid 4H.

Sometimes simple is great. Nice bidding Otherguy. Hope we connect again soon. Thanks for showing me the way.

1 Comment

ThughlonDecember 11th, 2011 at 6:44 am

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