About Cam French
Cam French is a teacher, mentor, former certified director/club proprietor and writer of the game. By day, he is a retired teacher of developmentally handicapped children formerly of the Toronto District School Board. He has been published in The Bridge World, The Kibitzer, The Globe & Mail and community newspapers. He has not accrued multiple victories in Regional or National events, but claims to be friends with a few who have. He plays occasionally on-line at www.OKBridge.com (handle Gambit) and recreationally with friends of varying levels.
On this blog site, he hopes to bring personal writings and compelling ones from other players. He is a lover of bridge literature and enjoys sharing that with players of all ranks. He dialogues frequently with bridge experts especially in reference to his latest story which is a cold case, dating back to events of 1979; a story which has become a cause célèbre within the expert bridge community and promises to shed light upon one of the more deplorable acts in ACBL history. He resides in suburban Toronto with his new spouse Laura and her two wonderful boys. He is close to his son with the name of the greatest player (pitcher and pitchman!) in Negro League history. You KNOW who that is. He may be contacted at [email protected]